Did You Know…?

One of the most important aspects of working with printers is simply how to keep them working. The only way to ensure this objective can be summed up in one word: maintenance.

The use of wide format printers continues to grow and evolve in design and significance thanks to their expanding footprint in various  industries. They do however require proper maintenance and care if customers plan to maximize longevity. But this is not rocket science either. Following the recommended maintenance schedules provided by the manufacturer is really all you have to do.

The good news is it does not take much to keep your printers in good working condition. If you are serious about your investment, you will want to keep in mind the following two most common maintenance tips for wide/large format printers:

  1. Clean components regularly.

Even with constant use dust particles can accumulate in and around your printer causing it to become ineffective. Dust and other particles can also cause degradation of tubing which in turn can result in clogging.

Cleaning your printer cartridges and other components such as print heads, nozzles, and other mechanisms should be easy with the right tools like soft cloths and tech swabs for wiping external parts or probing deeper into the printer’s functional environment. Many printers also include self-cleaning features you can schedule to limit the amount of internal cleaning throughout the cycle. But do not run more than three or four automatic print head cleanings to gain better print head results. If you have run this many and are still not seeing results, get a print head cleaning kit and perform the operation manually.

  1. Print frequently.

If your business revolves around daily printing, congratulations. Inkjet printers that are left unused for long periods may suffer from dried ink and debris which block nozzles and dry dampers which impact the quality of prints and overall performance. A good rule of thumb is to run the printer at least twice every week to keep the system (especially the ink) moving. Also, keep your printer away from windows where temperatures tend to fluctuate. The more constant the temperature and humidity, the better for optimal performance.

If you have any trouble maintaining your printers, STS Inks offers free technical support to its customers by phone, video, chat, and can usually guide you through the maintenance process of most any printer model.